Sunday, July 13, 2008

Yes, I do think I'm better than you, and so do people like me

KB 2.0. That's been the theme of the past month. I joined a Crossfit affiliated gym in South Orange called RunJumpLift, and the results so far have been amazing. I'm not built to get big or anything like that, but I love the rush of a good hard workout and realizing improvements from week to week. I have to admit, when I first walked into this place for a 2-week trial, I was skeptical. What I saw amounted to a converted auto garage with a few basic pieces of workout equipment and free weights sitting against the walls, some pullup bars, and a rather intimidating set of truck tires and sledge hammers. All of this amounted to about one step above the Italian Stallion's arrangements in Rocky IV.

Of course, part of realizing said improvements rests on the right kind of diet, and I've noticed my performance improve significantly since I started to eat like I actually cared. Admittedly, I've never eaten well in the traditional sense. On second thought, I've always eaten well, just not healthily. I'm talking wings; I'm talking Mexican food; and hell yes, I'm talking anything from Sheetz at all hours of the day and night. Indeed, a freakishly fast metabolism has been one of my life's joys. Yet lately, I've found it easier than anticipated to forsake all types of delicious food. Could it be that my competitive impulse is so strong that I would sooner give up the best sloppy joe in the country than add a minute to my Barbara time? It would appear so, and based on how ridiculously well things have gone so far, I don't see myself turning back any time soon.

Now if you'll excuse me, I have a Cliff Bar in front of me with my name written all over it.

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