Tuesday, July 29, 2008

More Meat

Results. So I just got back from my last workout before my week-long vacation in Kansas and Missouri. I did Check Your Legs I, which is 3 rounds for time, each round consisting of 25 bodyweight squats, 25 lunges on each leg, 50 switches, 12 jumping squats, and 25 kettle bell swings with a 50 lb. kettle bell. You do all of this while wearing a weighted vest with 10% of your body weight. Since I'm in a bragging kind of mood, I've embedded the ranking for this routine. For the record, Millie is a mother in her mid 40s who absolutely dominates everyone else at the gym. I'm quite proud of myself today.

LogsItAll.com Custom Ranking

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1 comment:

Bill P. said...

really cool to see the "share this" custom ranking function in action - thanks for trying it out!

-bill patton (the logsitall guy)