Sunday, July 20, 2008

Food, glorious food

Cuisine. I just got through eating one of the most delicious meals I've ever had. You know who prepared it? This guy. With my folks out of town for their annual Cape May vacation, I'm on my own for meals, and I wanted to avoid blowing too much money on takeout. Now that I've sorta opened up and started eating many more vegetables and other non-meat, non-starch foods, I've got a great opportunity to start experimenting with many new ingredients. Not to mention that my impending nuptials mean that I will no longer be relying on the culinary expertise (or lack thereof) of my mother. I actually look forward to being responsible for preparing meals for myself and the future Mrs. KB. For brevity's sake let's call her "W" or "the Dub" from here on in.

Tonight's bill of fare started with a modified version of Whole Foods' Genius Salad. The recipe isn't anywhere online, but those who have eaten at Whole Foods probably know that it consists of broccoli, baby spinach, walnuts, red peppers, chicken, and some sort of oil that I haven't quite figured out. It's all raw (except for the chicken) and quite nutritious. My take on it was that I went heavier on the baby spinach, used olive oil, and to make up for the blandness of the baby greens, I splashed a healthy measure of balsamic vinegar. The result was extraordinary, and luckily I made enough to possibly last me until Friday.

The main course consisted of BBQ all-natural chicken cutlets that have been marinating in BBQ sauce since I got up to go to the gym this morning. The flavor was overwhelming in the best way possible. The cutlets were smaller than I'm used to, so they cooked more than I normally would have let them, but at least they were extra smoky. I also grilled some green and red peppers, some red onion, and some green squash, all touched up with a mixture of olive oil, salt, and pepper.

Earlier in the day, I ran some errands, which included picking up a few new pairs of boxer briefs, some low-cut socks, and a fantastic new ipod dock. There is certainly something to be said for preparing food while listening to some of your favorite tunes. It's like that one kitchen scene from The Big Chill.

Next up, either salmon or kebabs, Jemaine style.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Can I buy you a kebab?