Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Casting Call

Creepy. I'm looking for some 14 and 15 year old girls. The younger looking, the better. Yeah, that's right, I'm rounding up extras for a classroom scene in a short film being shot next week at the school where I work.

Two weeks ago, a former classmate of mine who is now at film school at Columbia University, wanted to know if he could use our school for a short film he is producing. Titled The Sage, the film is about a young woman who is failing at her job as an 8th grade history teacher. The ghost of Frederick Douglass visits her one day and inspires her to become a better teacher and a better person. The End. Did I mention that Don King - the Don King - is cast as Frederick Douglass? You have to admit, the resemblance is a bit striking.

The director, Alexandra, came by yesterday to scout classrooms. She is very professional, organized, and enthusiastic, and she couldn't be more grateful for letting her use our building. Being the nice guy that I am, when she mentioned the need for extras, I volunteered my casting director services. Now I'm looking for 10 kids, mixed gender and ethnicity, that can pass for 8th graders. Since I work at an all-boys school, I've got plenty of candidates that I can turn to. Not so much with the girls. I don't know too many teenage girls. That's probably a good thing in the grand scheme of things, considering the people who do, but that doesn't help me out with this situation. Help would be appreciated.

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