Tuesday, July 15, 2008


War. I don't read a lot of fiction. This is not by design. I read what I find interesting, compelling, and relevant. After all, we only have so much time on this Earth. Often, this leads me to history and the social sciences. I recently started to re-read a favorite of mine from high school and the work that may have set me on this path. Dreadnought is an epic account of the geopolitical goings-on from the middle of the 19th century until the day before the beginning of World War I. For such a great scholarly work, you wouldn't expect it to bring historical events to such a personal level. Robert K. Massie provides in-depth character studies of all of the monarchs, prime ministers, chancellors, admirals, etc. that shaped and were shaped by this unique time in history.

I mention my latest read because of a passage that I read today. I didn't realize the Karl Rove play book existed before the man was ever born:

"[Joseph] Chamberlain roamed the land, hammering on a single issue: the conduct of the [Boer] war. His purpose was to convince the electorate that a Liberal victory would mean the political defeat of British arms in South Africa. His theme became, 'A vote for the Liberals is a vote for the Boers!' (Emphasis mine). This charge was shouted from platforms, proclaimed by billboards and placards. Posters depicted prominent Liberals kneeling in tribute to [Boer] President Kruger, helping him haul down the Union Jack, even urging him to shoot British soldiers. One Liberal M.P. attacked in this fashion had lost two sons in the war and was actually visiting their graves in South Africa when the election was held."

Let's see. Over-extended nation state meets their military match in a rag-tag group of insurgents whose land was unjustly invaded by aforementioned nation state. Come election time, the nation's war hawks lambaste the leftists for being pussies and wanting to "lose" the war and portray progressive candidates as friends of the enemy. For good measure, they wrap themselves in the Stars and Stripes - errr . . . I mean Union Jack - and cruise to victory.

Those dirty f---ing hippies, when will they learn?

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