Another start to another semester. I had low expectations going into PSMA 6008: Information & Computers in Public Service. The "Information & Computers" part of title makes it sound like this course was offered 15 years ago, back when Computer Class was still a thing, consisting of Mavis Beacon and the Oregon Trail. Dragon's Keep if you were lucky.
After our first meeting, I'm more optimistic. There are only five of us in the class, and the professor is the best one in the department, whose past two classes I've enjoyed so far. The assignment for the week between now and the next class is as follows...
Page One: My Tech
During the course of th enext week, informally keep track of your own interaction with information and computer technologies. Some possible but by no means exclusive examples; How often did you e-mail? Visit a web page? Post to a blog? Use a GPS? Twitter? Conduct an online business transaction? Find Information from or about a government agency? Text message? Update your Facebook or My Space page?
Page Two: What did I accomplish?
What did you actually accomplish by using technology this week? Communication (e-mail, text) is one thing; but was the communication social, professional, transaction based or something else? Try to think about specific things that you were able to do through your use of technology. The more tangible (e.g. I payed a parking ticket online) is better than (I e-mailed my friend).
I have a feeling this is going to get very embarassing. I use information technology regularly, so I'm not short on material. But off the top of my head, hardly any of it is productive. In fact, 90% of what I do over the course of the day is counter productive. I'll need assurances that none of this data makes its way back to my employer. So here we go, Day 1, wrote in my blog about writing in my blog...
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